Three Easy Pieces — nine

Three shorts, provoked by pictures.

Girls who make it almost too easy. HOTEL CALIFUCKYA: She came for a party, and was partied, hard. it seems that the party is permanent — and that it will remain hard. THESE EPISODES: Her Master is playing brainwashing games with her, and she knows it. They work so well, that she begs him not to stop. KISSING HIS FEET: The first time, it had been an expression of gratitude and relief. Now, it is expected of her all the time. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes; 2000 words

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Moving Her On Pt9—the Master and the Rape Doll.

He makes the way it will work between them terribly clear. A Harsh BDSM story.

The Rape Doll offers herself as entertainment, as a vehicle for the fulfilment of dark desires. If she isn’t able to make this offer enticing to the Master, she’s gone. It's as simple as that. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 42 minutes; 8800 words

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The Trio—Cello Pt2.

Softly, softly, to catch a slave.

We're going to start with something we'll do often. Thinking time. Thinking time for a girl who needs to sort out in her head whether she really does want to go further down my road. A girl who is going to be asked if she really wants to say yes to something she will not ever understand, but which she knows will make great demands of her. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes; 1700 words

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Peace and Freedom

Life was difficult for Alison, until she found it.

Simply; everything is better now. Now that she has peace. Peace and freedom. Peace and freedom from herself. Achieved through these chains—and what they symbolise. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 22 minutes; 4700 words

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Liana at The Castle Pt.4

Anne-Marie extends and cements her dominion. Despite her fears, her shame, her sadness, Liana finds herself more than willing to be subjugated.

For Liana, every part of the day was both delightful, and squirmingly uncomfortable, as Anne-Marie entertained herself, relaxed and confident as she manipulated and teased; brought the girl’s mood up, then rubbed her nose in the dirt, again and again, while Liana went along with it all in a spirit of urgent, helpless sweetness, even as each successive episode layered on more shame, more hard truths about herself, more disturbing, shaming memories for her to carry with her for the rest of her days. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 35 minutes; 7400 words

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The Story of Odile Pt3.

Odile dreams of a ravishment by a monster, then allows herself to be prepared for his pleasure, as if in a dream.

He wanted to fuck her again, and perhaps hurt her, and she was therefore to make herself desirable for fucking—and for hurting, too; dressed only in the slip and high heels he had ordained. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 21 minutes; 4500 words

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Party Favour Pt.1

A good time girl doesn't want the music to stop.

'It is over for us. Over now. I won't be here tonight. You won't see me again, little American girl.' I cried for two days. And then I called a number of a man whose house we had been to for a party. A slightly creepy man who had given me his number after watching me watch a live sex show. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 18 minutes; 3900 words

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The Story of Odile Pt6.

Andrew tells her what he means by 'hurt'.

“I am happy, too, to see that I have made good on my promise of earlier— to see that I have, now, truly hurt you. Yes, I imagine that your tight little ass will be sore, but that will heal— it is not my meaning.” [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 37 minutes; 7800 words

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The Story of Odile Pt9.

Dismissed, disposed of, made to kneel, Odile goes through trauma, and defeats herself.

All these tumultuous, enormous feelings! All this thinking about sexual violence and degradation, mental and physical cruelty, pain and humiliation— not as abstractions, as she wrote about them in relation to the art she studied, the often strange perversions of the artists whose lives she knew so much about— but as things she knew were to be inflicted upon her; not as a singular event, either; promised her as an intensifying process, explicitly intended to diminish her as a human being! [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 25 minutes; 5200 words

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The Story of S Pt4.

Without seeming effort, Mark has Essy give herself to him. She knows it's crazy, but it's the only thing that can make sense of her trauma.

Driven by the aftermath of trauma, trauma that can only be made sense of by Essy in a world with Mark in it, Essy is emotionally smashed, again and again, like a wave against the harsh cliff face which Mark presents to her, and is tamed. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 25 minutes; 5300 words

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