Estimated reading time: 18 minutes; 3700 words
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Waking the next morning, unaccustomed dull fires reminding her of outrage, of cruel abuse of her most intimate places, she knows that something has changed inside her, that she has lost something. It's hearbreaking. The heartbreak is not, though, for lost innocence, for the bright promise of her relationship with him now violently shifted into a new, unknown territory. The heartbreak is is driven by the new knowledge of what is inside her.
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Moving Her On Pt2—Later that Morning
The next day, the impact on her psyche is ruthlessly reinforced.
Now here she is—possessed indeed by him, folded into his life so deeply that she cannot even imagine trying to leave. Having discovered through shocking, shameful violation just what he wants from his possession of her, how absolute, how heartless that possession will be, that no matter whether she has been betrayed, tricked, abused (as no doubt her friends would describe the situation—and in truth, how she would describe the same circumstances applied to any of them), she has been changed, deeply reconfigured, that he has indeed successfully 'moved her on'.
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Estimated reading time: 42 minutes; 8900 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt3—After the Outrage
Ruined, degraded, she is offered the chance to leave—will she take it?
That's enough, girly. Stop. Don't make this something it isn't. Yes—crazy shit has been done to you; yes, it's been cruel, degrading and abusive; yes, it's far, far beyond acceptable. But think; everything that has happened has happened because you went along with it. Wild though it got, you knew what you were letting yourself in for. He told you in advance. Nothing more will happen to you if you don't want it to. Think about it—did you ever say 'stop'? Say 'No—I don't want this'?
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Estimated reading time: 32 minutes; 6800 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt4 - The next Evening
Beginning to understand just what her 'moved on' status means. Just beginning...
Chloe, lovely Chloe; you know this won't do. Boyfriends are supposed to be tolerant of emotional outbursts, to take an interest, to wonder if they've done anything wrong, to play the emotional game. But you know - you know that you know, that we're beyond all that, now. Your emotions no longer matter - unless I want to see you emotional for my own pleasure - times when I may wish to see sorrow, humiliation or pain in your eyes. At all other times, you are to thoroughly and consistently suppress all emotional expression - what is expected of you is a smooth and vague expression of pleasant willingness.
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Estimated reading time: 32 minutes; 6700 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt5—The Evening gets Darker
She begins to learn to accept—even though she knows it's a one-way ticket down.
And now, she finds she does want to cry. Because acceptance doesn't solve anything—just makes it easier to manage. Acceptance of one thing is not going to mean that it's over. In fact, it's obvious that acceptance will just encourage more demands. Acceptance is not going to free her—but deliver her even more fully. And the knowledge—certain in her now—that she is going to accept those demands—encouraging more—and more extreme demands—which she is also going to accept, if she can—that knowledge is, certainly, a cause for tears—because they will eat her up—in the end, there will be nothing left of her but acceptance.
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Estimated reading time: 33 minutes; 7100 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt6—Apotheosis
The events of the 24 hours since she offered herself as a whore come to a crescendo. A harsh BDSM story.
… fearful it is to fall into the hands of a living God. Hebrews 10:31
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Estimated reading time: 11 minutes; 2200 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt7—First night as rape dolly.
She tries to come to terms with her newly degraded condition. A BDSM Erotica story.
I haven't just lost the best man I ever thought I had a chance with, he's turned me into a degraded, beaten whore, and I've accepted my new status almost without a struggle.
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Estimated reading time: 16 minutes; 3400 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt8—immediately overwhelmed.
His usage violently oversets her hard-won acceptance. A Harsh BDSM story.
He's going to rape and humiliate me, knowing that it will destroy me, and I'm going to do my best to incite Him to rape me, and accept His humiliations as the rules I will live by, and I am going to encourage Him to offer me to His friends so that they can rape and degrade me, and this is my life, now, and somehow, I want it like this.
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Estimated reading time: 33 minutes; 7000 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt9—the Master and the Rape Doll.
He makes the way it will work between them terribly clear. A Harsh BDSM story.
The Rape Doll offers herself as entertainment, as a vehicle for the fulfilment of dark desires. If she isn’t able to make this offer enticing to the Master, she’s gone. It's as simple as that.
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Estimated reading time: 42 minutes; 8800 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt10— Rape Doll for strangers.
She offers herself to strangers; begs them to rape her, and is spurned.
Her reverie is interrupted by noises from the hallway, of voices, too muffled to understand, and the horrors return with a shock. Strangers. People who have no idea who she was, who she can be, are going to be introduced to her in this degraded condition, and she … she is going to … what?
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Estimated reading time: 19 minutes; 4000 words
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