This post is in the CRUELTIES category. Don’t read it.

The fictional blog posts of a young woman who has accepted the suggestion of the man who uses her that she should record her journey as a ‘conscious cunt’β€” a woman working intentionally to continuously deepen her servitude, and at the same time ruthlessly to repress her sense of self and agency over her body, in particular its use and abuse.

It is terribly painful to post pictures of myself J, here, where anyone can find them, draw conclusions about me her, see my her most intimate places, about which I am she is so uncertain.

But it seems .. important to make myself J do this. After all, that is the point of this blog. To make it ever harder for me J to leave this pathway. To make J’s choice public. To have it define her.

So, here is part of J’s body. The most important part, according to Him; the principal hole; the attribute that defines J’s usefulness. A cunt; for which J is the vehicle.


Just another cunt. Just another hole a cock can spurt into, no different from several billion others in that respect.

Except that, for J, it is the one she has been taught, all her life, to protect; to keep special, to control access to. The idea of this specialness as …

It is hard to write it.


That is hard.

That is what I J can do, today.

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