Estimated reading time: 37 minutes; 7800 words
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The worst thing about it was that I was so frightened. Not 'run away' frightened, but 'can I survive this?' frightened. This was it. Nothing now lay between me and the uncompromising focused willpower of this greedy powerhouse of a man—a man I had somehow given myself over to on the basis of a few days contact and some extraordinarily abusive sex.
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Moving Her On Pt7—First night as rape dolly.
She tries to come to terms with her newly degraded condition. A BDSM Erotica story.
I haven't just lost the best man I ever thought I had a chance with, he's turned me into a degraded, beaten whore, and I've accepted my new status almost without a struggle.
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Estimated reading time: 16 minutes; 3400 words
[Read More]Three Easy Pieces - eight
Three shorts, provoked by pictures.
The road to slavery is always different. It's the journey that makes it interesting, more than the interchangeable end-results. ESTATE-GIRL: From parading naked as a holiday job, to begging to become a house slave. How did it go so fast? BONDAGE MODELLING: A slippery slope to .. what? WHY CAN'T I COME WITH YOU?: A greedy, needy girl girlfriend can't understand why she shouldn't whore herself to her boyfriend's rich step-father.
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Estimated reading time: 13 minutes; 2700 words
[Read More]Timmy Pt.4
The psychological and physical rollercoaster continues
Karsh tells her how it will be; 'You must understand that you are completely irrelevant to anything important—a fanciful entertainment, nothing more. The moment you cease to be entertaining, you will be disposed of. If you wish to be kept, commit yourself to my satisfaction, with your whole being. I am relentlessly greedy. There will be no room for anything else but dedication to my pleasure in your existence. Go over this advice in your head, commit it to memory; repeat it to yourself, for I will not rehearse or explain it for you. Let it become your creed; live by it.'
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Estimated reading time: 43 minutes; 9100 words
[Read More]Three Easy Pieces — nine
Three shorts, provoked by pictures.
Girls who make it almost too easy. HOTEL CALIFUCKYA: She came for a party, and was partied, hard. it seems that the party is permanent — and that it will remain hard. THESE EPISODES: Her Master is playing brainwashing games with her, and she knows it. They work so well, that she begs him not to stop. KISSING HIS FEET: The first time, it had been an expression of gratitude and relief. Now, it is expected of her all the time.
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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes; 2000 words
[Read More]The Story of nOelle Pt.6
Being (yet another) attempt at a modern version of the Story of O, without the love. A BDSM Erotica story.
nOelle is casually raped, and begins to see just what it is that she has consented to, and that Thierry must have been planning to bring her here from the outset.
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Estimated reading time: 35 minutes; 7500 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt8—immediately overwhelmed.
His usage violently oversets her hard-won acceptance. A Harsh BDSM story.
He's going to rape and humiliate me, knowing that it will destroy me, and I'm going to do my best to incite Him to rape me, and accept His humiliations as the rules I will live by, and I am going to encourage Him to offer me to His friends so that they can rape and degrade me, and this is my life, now, and somehow, I want it like this.
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Estimated reading time: 33 minutes; 7000 words
[Read More]Moving Her On Pt9—the Master and the Rape Doll.
He makes the way it will work between them terribly clear. A Harsh BDSM story.
The Rape Doll offers herself as entertainment, as a vehicle for the fulfilment of dark desires. If she isn’t able to make this offer enticing to the Master, she’s gone. It's as simple as that.
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Estimated reading time: 42 minutes; 8800 words
[Read More]Three Easy Pieces - Ten
Three shorts, provoked by pictures.
They can't understand how they come to be so very dangerously lost. But they can't see a way back, either. YACHTIE TOTTY: She can't quite see, through the haze of drugs, how it has come to be that she is an eager harem-girl on a superyacht, but she's fairly sure she wants more of it. Or is that the drugs talking? SILLY GIRL: She's mad about him, happy to serve him, but the beatings have to stop. Until he shows her that she will beg to be beaten. JUST ONCE: Once, she let some guys use her as a slave. just once. Now, some other guys are buying her life from her.
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Estimated reading time: 19 minutes; 4000 words
[Read More]Peace and Freedom
Life was difficult for Alison, until she found it.
Simply; everything is better now. Now that she has peace. Peace and freedom. Peace and freedom from herself. Achieved through these chains—and what they symbolise.
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Estimated reading time: 22 minutes; 4700 words
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