The Story of Odile Pt21.

Abandoned in the frame, Odile fights despair, achieves respite, and is challenged yet further…

Her tears stopped; she was His, Once again, the unquestioning way in which his desires were inflicted upon Odile calmed her, made everything meaningful; she had only to lean in to this careless domination of her body by His proxies to lose herself, to put her own petty concerns into perspective; see herself for the weakling she was, effortlessly dominated by His will, even in His absence. It wasn't safety, but it was Him in charge, and it was a deep relief to let herself be controlled. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes; 3100 words

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Jessica Pt3 — a Naked story.

Jessica tells of Her first evening naked for her future Master.

The knowledge burned in her that she was naked for Him; that He had asked it of her, without insisting or ordering, that she had stripped for Him, that He was now looking at her body, very directly, very openly; something — she realised with soft amazement— that she had never had a man do before. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 21 minutes; 4400 words

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Story of Sophia, Pt 3

Sophia finds that is not going to be able to free herself, even as Duncan appears to be trying to warn her off.

Even though she had not felt it at the time, it was clear to her later, that that had been the moment, when she had known herself in the presence of a being in comparison to whom she was just a toy; for whom she had the great honour of being interesting as a toy, and that every sacrifice was worth it to retain that interest. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes; 3200 words

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Story of Sophia, Pt 6

In the aftermath of her orgasm, Sophia begins to understand, finds herself accepting, a new and harsh reality, and is softly appalled at her weak acceptance of his cruelty.

You should know, perhaps, that you are even more beautiful than before, with that knowledge in your eyes, in your body. Your vulnerability, your availability, your helpless acknowledgement, all add to your value. The others will see it too; I feel sure that they will want you— that you will be ours. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes; 2400 words

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