Capitulation, Pt1

Her wonderful boyfriend makes a crushing birthday request.

We'd been going out for three years, and moved in together after only a few months, so happy we were to have found each other. I was really happy to come home every day, and it seemed he was too. My friends thought he was lovely—the perfect gentleman—my parents liked him too. We had a great sex life, and enjoyed each other's company, although we also had our own friends—my girlfriends, his mates. We had discussed kids, and we agreed there, too—no way!—not for a few years anyway… [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 49 minutes

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Capitulation, Pt 2

Mia and Maddy, before and after the violation.

Many, many things that had seemed important now seem meaningless to Mia. Almost nothing has turned out to matter at all, and of those few that do, most have been violently and callously stripped from her. She has been changed, irrevocably. [Read More]

Estimated reading time: 22 minutes

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