Just a quick note to say that the new voting system (simple buttons at the bottom of each post) seems to be working.

By which I mean firstly that readers are voting.

But more importantly that voting is making a difference.

This morning, I got a vote for an old story that was simply a copy-paste from a previous collection - I had done no work on it. But when the vote came in, I went back and read it over - to see what someone had liked; and guess what, I made a few improvements - added a little more detail here and there.

So if you like a story, and vote for it, I’m likely to make it a little better - and also, of course, think about revisiting the territory of that tale in a future story.

MORAL: on THW, no vote is a wasted vote!

Of course, if you want to tell me specifically what you want more (or less) of, anonymous commenting is right there… Or go right ahead and send me an email

Thanks for reading.